Statistics indicate that an average American household wastes over 10,000 water gallons yearly, and 10% of homes experience leaks that result in at least 90 gallons a day going down the drain unused. This contributes to a higher monthly water bill. Besides water wastage, leaky pipes can also cause mold and compromise your home’s foundation. Knowing why leaky pipes occur can help you avert/ resolve them quickly. Outlined in this post are the top five causes of leaky pipes
Water damage can wreak havoc on your home and wallet. The consequences of water damage can be significant, ranging from ruined floors and walls to costly repairs. However, with proactive measures and quick home fixes, you can prevent water damage and save yourself from expensive repairs. This article will explore tips and solutions to keep your home dry and secure.
Every homeowner wants to ensure their home is safe, comfortable and enhances well-being. Unfortunately, even minor issues in ventilation, humidity, moisture, and condensation can negatively impact a property’s structural soundness, especially if left unaddressed for far too long.
Do-it-yourself home repairs can be a great way to save money and increase your home’s value. However, there are some repairs that should never be attempted by an amateur. Attempting these tasks could lead to further damage or even injury if not done correctly. From electrical work to plumbing, here is a list of house repairs you shouldn’t try fixing yourself.