Nestled in the captivating hills of Kerala, “Home on the Hill,” is a discreetly elegant retreat designed by the renowned Arun Nalapat Architects. Situated in Bangalore, India, a city known for its diverse culture and beautiful landscapes, this contemporary sanctuary is a prime example of seamless integration with nature. Adorned in greys and browns, the retreat effortlessly merges with its surrounding landscape, offering a tranquil refuge to its inhabitants.
Built in 2018, the retreat, boasting large glazed openings and an expansive deck, captivates with panoramic views of the lush green terrain. The modern design, blended with handpicked furniture and muted tones, exudes a simple yet luxurious elegance, truly embodying a sense of solitude.
Step into the distinctive realm of the Inside Out House, an enchanting embodiment of tranquility and modern design, nestled on the fringes of bustling Bangalore, India. Designed by the acclaimed Gaurav Roy Choudhury Architects, this residential masterpiece seamlessly interweaves brick and traditional design elements to craft a private universe within its solid exterior. From its enchanting garden views to the poignant interplay of light and shadow within, this house offers a serene retreat from the relentless pace of city life, fostering a deeper connection with the self.
The Inside Out House‘s design gently dissolves conventional boundaries, encouraging an immersive experience that resonates with contemplative solitude. Its unique configuration enhances the fluid transition between spaces, allowing the residents to fully engage with the property’s soothing aesthetics and the surrounding natural splendor. Such a remarkable blend of design philosophy and architectural prowess, this house is a testament to the transformative potential of residential spaces.