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OTON: Innovative Architecture in the Ecuadorian Highlands

FeaturedOpen-concept living space with wood-paneled ceiling, large windows, and modern furnishings.

Diez+Muller‘s innovative OTON house, located in Cayambe, Ecuador, showcases a captivating blend of contemporary design and sustainable living. Crafted in 2025, this impressive residential project offers a remarkable fusion of architectural ingenuity and environmental consciousness, catering to the demands of modern lifestyles.

With its seamless integration of indoor and outdoor spaces, OTON exemplifies the potential for architecture to create harmonious living environments that prioritize both aesthetic appeal and energy efficiency.

Casa Cangahua: Courtyard-Infused Home in Tumbaco, Quito

A modern brick building with large windows, surrounded by lush greenery and tall grasses.

Situated in the picturesque town of Tumbaco, Ecuador, Casa Cangahua is a captivating residential project designed by the renowned architectural firm Diez+Muller. This single-family house, completed in 2021, seamlessly blends into its natural surroundings, with its concrete walls and sculpted brick volume reflecting the nearby mountain range. The design philosophy emphasizes a journey of discovery, where the house reveals itself gradually to the user, creating a sense of intrigue and wonder.