Discover the Chuquet apartment in Paris, France, a masterful transformation by Atelier Apara from an old garage to a vibrant living space. Designed in 2022, this unique project showcases an innovative conversion within a limited budget, optimizing the use of space and light to create a bright and atypical home. The design cleverly separates living and private areas while integrating contemporary elements that enhance both functionality and aesthetic appeal.
Discover the Locke at East Side Gallery, a transformative 176-room hotel designed by Grzywinski+Pons, nestled in Berlin’s historic Friedrichshain neighborhood. Adjacent to the iconic Berlin Wall, now a vibrant canvas for international art, this hotel embodies a unique fusion of industrial and green design.
Riva Diva in Vienna, Austria, masterfully reimagines office space. Designed by Love Architecture and Urbanism in 2023, this minimalist, green office melds traditional elegance with modern flair. Inspired by the classic beauty of mahogany speedboats, it offers a dynamic, flexible workplace where conservative charm meets contemporary design.
Riva Diva is not just an office; it’s a vibrant fusion of heritage and innovation, making every day at work an inspiring journey.