Vistalcielo, a captivating house designed by Veinte Diezz, stands as a testament to the harmonious interplay between indoor and outdoor living. Located in Mérida, Mexico, this 2024 project showcases a seamless integration of modular spaces, natural lighting, and regional materials, creating a refuge for enjoyment and a connection to the surrounding environment.
Discover the serene Casa Manglar, a modern house intricately designed by Más que Arquitectura Estudio in 2023. Located in Yucatán, Mexico amidst the lush Chuburna Mangrove, this exquisite property offers an eco-friendly living space that emphasizes the breathtaking natural surroundings. The house showcases a blend of contemporary design and environmental consciousness, highlighting neutral material palettes to accentuate the scenic vistas of vibrant greens mingled with water and sky. Join us for a virtual tour of this sanctum where every corner promises visual harmony and sustainable luxury.