House of Shapes by Eon Architecture
House of Shapes is a futuristic residence located in Kopavogur, Iceland, designed in 2014 by EON architecture.

The Project is a private residence for the family of a true world-changing entrepreneur that is a frontier of science with the certainty to change it.
The Project is a tribute to science and discovery, that comes through in the complex forms as well as selection of materials.
The footprint of the House as well as vertical sections are overlapping shapes/forms of triangle/circle/squares.
“Circle, triangle and square together at every level – whether the macrocosm, cosmos or microcosm – a universal symbol for the divine creation, in its perfect manifestation of spirit (circle), soul (triangle) and body (square). Thus, the sign of the unity of circle, triangle and square is also a symbol of the divine human being“.
The main building/structural materials are concrete, steel and glass, straight walls and curved. The main “visual” claddings/ materials used throughout the building, inside and outside are metal cladding, (Titanium), exposed concrete, glass and also a tile used in fine detailing around windows etc.
On the outside the concrete curves are wrapped into Titanium, ever lasting metal shell, but inside in selected areas such as living room and master bedroom, the concrete curves are exposed and visible, making a contrast with other walls inside that are soft and white.
In selected areas inside “the graffiti” in the tiles becomes visible. The unusual effects in the tiles are created with painted steel and metal oxidation effects, that is inspired by Banksy, the graffiti artist.
The house is a foreign/alien, an object thrown into the site, beautiful nature, making a strong a contrast between man made object and somewhat untouched nature.
The building and its function is divided into two separate building blocks, the family private-quarters and the public-quarters, two building blocks disconnected with void/between space and connected by crossing „bridges“ in “the void”/between space.
The House of Shapes is to function for the client, as a place for work, a place for writing and inventing as well as a place for private meetings and receptions. A place that can be quiet and meditating but also a social fun place interesting to visitors/guests.
The house must be a place that is a welcoming home for the family, both those family members that are living there but also a home for members of the family that live abroad but stay at the House of Shapes for longer periods every year.
An important role of the building is to embrace art and be a part of it as well as being a statement of technology and invention;
The house is a “shrine“ an engineered “built sculpture“, that is to keep many important artworks by Icelandic artists such as the most famous expressionist Icelandic artist/painter, Kristján Davíðsson among others.
Photography by Art Gray Photography
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- by Matt Watts