Villa Luz: Eco-Chic Mountain Retreat in Italy
Immerse yourself in Villa Luz, Giovanni Gatto‘s masterpiece of contemporary design nestled in the heart of Chiaramonte Gulfi, Italy. This mountain chalet, crafted in 2022, redefines retreat luxury with its eco-friendly architecture and harmonious integration with the surrounding pine forest.
Every element, from the larch cladding to the stone elements and green roof, enhances the natural beauty of this high-altitude sanctuary, providing breathtaking views of the Gela gulf and the historic town. Villa Luz offers an environmentally conscious escape without sacrificing modern comforts, inviting the outside in through expansive windows that capture the allure of dawn and the tranquility of twilight.

About Villa Luz
Villa Luz: A Symbiosis of Design and Nature
Perched among the pines of Chiaramonte Gulfi, Villa Luz stands as a landmark of landscape value. Here, pristine walls and diverse native flora create an idyllic setting. Additionally, its elevated position offers panoramic views that include the historic town and the Gulf of Gela. Formerly, a neglected structure marred this site, but now, it’s transformed into an architectural jewel.
Sustainable Innovation in Architecture
Rejuvenating the area, Villa Luz introduces a new, eco-friendly building, leveraging the volume of the demolished predecessor. Larch slats, a rooftop garden, and stone elements honor the naturalistic essence of the locale. Moreover, these features ensure the structure organically complements its surroundings without harming the environment. Furthermore, the thoughtful roofing, replete with tree plantings, boosts thermal efficiency and landscape harmony.
Design That Celebrates the Landscape
Carefully considered openings accentuate views of the Gela sea and Chiaramonte Gulfi. In particular, the living area boasts a large window that frames the pine forest and captures the sunrise, while a telescope highlights the valley and sunset vistas. Likewise, wood’s extensive use inside mirrors the outdoors’ rustic charm. A generous terrace faces the pool, inviting residents to bask in the natural rhythms. Likewise, the pool, designed with an existing terrace in mind, provides a seamless connection to nature.
The residence, with its wooden structure, integrates two distinct zones for day and night. These areas, following the site’s natural incline, pay homage to the original buildings’ layout. Also, the land’s topography stays untouched, as the design cleverly adapts to the terraced ground, avoiding extensive excavation. Glass staircases link the zones, offering immersive views of sky and scenery. Additionally, the sleeping area, with its wooden blinds, can transform into an intimate timber retreat.
Around the building, native plantings thrive, encouraging the resurgence of local flora. This landscaping approach not only enhances the area’s beauty but also ensures ecological integrity.
Photography by Filippo Poli
Visit Giovanni Gatto
- by Matt Watts