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Georgia House: Arkitito Arquitetura’s Cozy Family Home in Brazil

Stunning modern architecture with lush greenery, pool, and cozy outdoor seating.

Designed by the renowned Brazilian architecture firm Arkitito Arquitetura, the Georgia House in São Paulo, Brazil, is a captivating residential project that seamlessly blends contrasting volumes and natural elements. This 2021 house, nestled between two tall residences on a narrow lot, showcases the architects’ ability to maximize natural light and the relationship between indoor and outdoor spaces.

Casa Trem: Exploring the Organic Design of a Brazilian Home

A modern, glass-walled home nestled in lush greenery, with a cozy seating area and minimalist decor.

In the heart of São Paulo, Brazil, ARKITITO Arquitetura has crafted a captivating artist couple’s atelier house, Casa Trem. Designed in 2022, this single-story, flat construction seamlessly blends with the natural clearings of the regenerated forest terrain, offering a unique interplay of groundedness and aerial views. Featuring a sequence of solid and void spaces, the project’s organic yet straight design showcases the interplay of solidity and lightness, with glass enclosures highlighting the raw, natural light.

Terramadeira Apartment: A Family-Centric Design in São Paulo

FeaturedCozy living space featuring warm wood accents, large sofa, and track lighting.

Discover the Terramadeira Apartment, a stunning family residence in São Paulo, Brazil, designed by Arkitito Arquitetura in 2022. This apartment skillfully balances modern design with functional living, featuring an integrated living room and kitchen that maximizes space and fosters family interaction. The use of wood and sleek surfaces reflects natural light, creating a welcoming atmosphere throughout the home.

Perpetua House: Indoor Garden Integration in Brazil’s 1950s Home

Lush rooftop garden with sleek modern structure, surrounded by city skyline.

Discover the transformed Perpetua House in São Paulo, Brazil, a project by Arkitito Arquitetura completed in 2021. This renovated 1950s house now exemplifies modern indoor-outdoor living, integrating extensive garden areas and natural light into a formerly fragmented space. The design smartly incorporates local Goiás stone and preserved architectural elements, blending modern conveniences with the home’s original charm.

Lechuza House: Blending Brazilian Charm with Mexican Architecture

A modern, open-concept kitchen with wood-paneled ceilings, pendant lights, and a garden view.

Lechuza House in São Paulo, Brazil, designed by Arkitito Arquitetura in 2022, exemplifies unique architectural innovation. Situated in the bustling Vila Madalena, this house combines features of Mexican traditional architecture to cater to the nostalgic touch the resident engineer desired, harmoniously integrating modern living spaces with natural elements crafted meticulously by the landscape architect resident, enriching both functionality and aesthetics.

Cinderela Apartment: Innovative Spaces for Creativity and Comfort

Minimal, open-concept living space with sliding glass panels, plush seating, and plant decor.

Discover Cinderela Apartment, elegantly redesigned by Arkitito Arquitetura in São Paulo, Brazil. This 2021 project seamlessly merges modern living with the historic charm of Higienópolis neighborhood.

Exploring its innovative use of materials and design, the apartment caters to the dynamic needs of a visual artist, featuring converted spaces that provide a unique blend of functionality and style.

Giudice House: Where Tradition Meets Modern Living

FeaturedAiry room with high ceilings, exposed beams, large windows, and lush green

The Giudice House, designed by ARKITITO Arquitetura in 2022, is a stunning example of how traditional German chalet architecture can be seamlessly integrated into a modern family home. Located in a lush, wooded neighborhood of São Paulo, Brazil, this renovated house strikes a perfect balance between preserving historical elements and adapting to contemporary living standards. Its open, light-filled spaces and thoughtful use of natural materials and colors elevate the home into a warm and inviting retreat for a family with teenage children.