Eco-friendly renovation / Tag

Ka-Ma-Ra: A Unique Rebirth of a Maniot Village House

Scenic stone terrace with cushioned seating, overlooking lush greenery and ocean view.

Discover the innovative transformation of Ka-Ma-Ra, a house in Greece, by Z-LEVEL architecture. Once a traditional café-grocery in a ruined Maniot village, it’s now a contemporary dwelling seamlessly blending history with modern design. This project, rooted in sustainable practices, demonstrates the wise use of local resources and materials, making it a perfect example of eco-friendly living and architectural creativity in 2022.

A Mended House: Eco-Friendly Renovation Without Steel

Contemporary house with a brick facade and backyard garden at dusk.

Discover how A Mended House in London, UK, was transformed from uninhabitable to a stunning family home by Mike Tuck Studio. Designed in 2023, this house renovation project stands out for its environmental consciousness, using reclaimed materials and avoiding structural steel, creating a bright, open-plan living space rich in natural light and minimal environmental impact.