Modern educational facilities / Tag

Westmark School: Innovating Education with Outdoor Learning Spaces

This image depicts a modern outdoor courtyard with a central tree, seating areas, and distinctive architectural design elements.

The Westmark School, designed by nbbj in the United States and unveiled in 2023, represents a revolutionary leap in educational architecture. This net zero school places emphasis on tailored, flexible learning environments under the canopy of a grand California Sycamore tree. The design uniquely supports the school’s dedication to individualized instruction, healthy living spaces, and seamless outdoor learning opportunities, setting a new standard for innovative educational spaces.

Western Michigan University Student Center: Where Culture Meets Design

Contemporary building with elevated, patterned upper level and sweeping canopy entrance.

Discover the Western Michigan University Student Center, designed by CannonDesign in 2023. Situated in Kalamazoo, United States, this student center is a modern hub for student life. Prioritizing inclusion and community, it embraces Native American heritage while providing a vibrant space for connection, collaboration, and culture. From dining options to a campus bookstore and even an anticipated brewpub, it’s redesigning the campus experience.