6 Common Causes of Air Conditioner Breakdown

An air conditioner is vital when the temperature rises. Good air conditioning keeps your home cool and comfortable throughout the summer. Unfortunately, air conditioners sometimes break down – leaving you no relief from those hot days.

To help you, we’ll explore six common causes of an AC breakdown so that you know what to look out for and take action before it leaves you sweltering in discomfort. So if you’re experiencing an AC breakdown, keep reading to see which one of these common causes might be the culprit.

Below are the six common causes of an AC breakdown:

1. Dirty Air Filters

Did you know that neglecting to change or clean your air filter can lead to a breakdown in your AC unit? It’s true. The airflow is decreased, and your unit cannot perform its function because of that dirty, dusty filter; as a result, it may fail you when you need it most. 

But don’t worry – fixing air conditioner breakdown issues caused by dirty air filters is easy. Simply set a reminder to change or clean your air filter about once a month, and you’ll keep your unit in tip-top shape all year round. No more sweating it out in the summer heat.

2. Low Refrigerant Levels

Low refrigerant levels can cause a breakdown of your air conditioner. The coolant or refrigerant is the fluid that circulates through the cooling coils of your appliance and absorbs heat from the inside air. Insufficient amounts of this fluid going through the system due to low levels can cause it to overheat and shut down due to inadequate cooling.

This issue can be caused by a few scenarios, including leaks in the air conditioner’s lines, an improperly installed system, or incorrect maintenance. The good news is that it’s easiest to fix and requires either recharging the unit with more refrigerant or repairing any existing leaks.

3. Blocked or Leaking Ducts

Your air conditioner’s ductwork is an important part of the system. If you notice any leaks or blockages in your ducts, it can lead to a breakdown in your AC unit and cause major discomfort for your family. Improperly insulated ducts or even blocked registers can also be a common issue causing AC breakdown. 

To keep your air conditioner running efficiently, it’s important to check all the ductwork in your home and ensure that everything is properly sealed and free from obstructions. This ensures that your air conditioner receives adequate airflow and functions properly.

4. Thermostat Issues

You may not realise it, but your thermostat keeps your home comfortable. The brains behind your HVAC system communicate with your AC unit to regulate the temperature. But if your thermostat isn’t working properly, it can cause big problems.

When it can’t accurately measure the temperature, your AC could break down, leaving you with a hot and uncomfortable home. So, monitoring your thermostat and addressing any issues as soon as they arise to prevent any major headaches is important.

5. Electrical Problems

Electricity is vital for your air conditioner to function in tip-top shape. But what happens when electrical problems can cause your AC to break down? Numerous factors, such as clogged wiring or overloaded circuits, may be to blame. It is, therefore, best to check that your electrical systems are operating before turning on your air conditioning for the summer.

You may stay relaxed and comfortable all through the warmer months in this way. Don’t let electrical problems spoil your fun or delay your AC’s usage. Before savouring a continuous AC experience, take action and make sure everything is in functioning order.

6. Clogged Drains and Pipes

We may not put much thought into the drains and pipes in our AC, but keeping them clear of debris is crucial to prevent a breakdown. When these pathways become clogged, water can’t escape and causes problems.

Dirt, dust, and other particles can gather over time, so regular checks are required to guarantee your system works. Don’t let a clogged drain or pipe create a breakdown; instead, take the required precautions to maintain them clean and free of debris. So make sure to check them often and take any necessary action.


Air conditioner breakdowns can be costly and time-consuming. By understanding the common causes of air conditioner failure, you’ll be better equipped to take preventative measures against possible malfunctioning in your system.

Regular maintenance is key for avoiding unexpected repairs and ensuring your unit runs all summer. If you encounter a breakdown, don’t hesitate to call an HVAC expert immediately so they can quickly and safely diagnose and fix any problems. Good luck!

- by Matt Watts
