Whiteboards Reinvented
Plain old simple whiteboards are so passé. Paste on or paint on whiteboards are the new fad in homes and offices across the globe. Not only are they functional, they can be made to add an interesting design element to any space.

Description by Whiteboard Paint
Each picture above has used a whiteboard concept to create innovative design elements. Companies like IdeaPaint and Writeyboards have introduced transparent paints into the interior design market that can convert any surface into a whiteboard. So you could create whiteboards that aren’t… well… technically white. Use it on colored walls to create unique write-on surfaces. Craft ever changing wall art, or turn the entire room for the kids into a big writable area like in the pictures above.
Paste on whiteboards are another convenient option. The rolls can simply be pasted on any surface to create a whiteboard in minutes. The same sheet can be removed and transferred to another location with ease. There is no need to drill holes into any walls.
The concepts above are a great amalgamation of functionality with beauty.
- by Matt Watts