Is Leather Furniture Good with Pets?

If you have dogs or cats, you may be worried about buying new furniture. In fact, many pet owners actively avoid leather furniture because they mistakenly believe it will be easier to destroy.

However, leather furniture outlasts fabric and synthetically made furniture. It is also far more durable. Despite its higher price tag, it winds up being a better investment since you won’t have to replace your furniture for at least a decade.

Take a deeper look at why you may want to invest in leather furniture if you have pets.

Greater Durability

When choosing a new sofa for your home, you want to think about durability. You don’t want to replace your furniture every other year, do you? Leather is by far a better choice simply because it is less prone to stains and tears, plus it can hold up well even with heavy usage.

It’s important to note that the type of leather plays a role in durability. Imitation leather covered with polyurethane is not the same as genuine leather. As such, faux leather furniture can easily rip, tear, scratch, and wear out. You’ll want to avoid fake leather at all costs.

Puncture Resistance

Your furry family member has claws that can do serious damage to your furnishings. However, genuine leather furniture is much more difficult to puncture than furniture crafted from fabrics and other materials.

Full-grain leather is a heavy-duty option that resists punctures. When you shop at a leather furniture store that sells items crafted from top-quality leather, you will be able to find a sofa that will withstand the wear and tear of your pets. Additionally, keeping on top of your pet’s grooming by trimming their claws can help prevent damage to your leather furniture as well as your flooring and other parts of your home.

Easier to Remove Pet Hair

When you have pet hair all over your furniture, it can make your whole home look unkempt. Anyone that visits may be reluctant to sit on your sofa when it’s coated with pet hair.

Pet hair tends to stick more easily on fabrics rather than leather. It’s much easier to clean leather furniture of pet fur because of the smooth surface. Simply vacuum it each week to get rid of dirt, dust, and any errant hair from your pet.

Avoid Lingering Pet Odors

When you have pets, fabric furniture tends to soak up more of those pet smells. The oils from their fur can seep into any material, but properly cleaning your leather sofa as you should – with or without pets – you will prevent it from staining or stinking.

In fact, well-cared-for leather furniture will continue to have that rich leather aroma rather than the off-putting odors associated with animals. Prevention is important when you have pets around leather furniture though, especially with urine which contains ammonia.

All told, if you have pets, leather furniture may be the best option for you since it can withstand wear and tear. You must stay on top of maintaining it, but it will be far easier to do than with other materials.

- by Matt Watts
