Build vs. Buy: Why Building Might Be the Right Option for You

Becoming a homeowner is a big decision to make. After all, you’ll be responsible for paying a mortgage and property taxes. However, this is the easy part of the decision-making process for many soon-to-be homeowners. The hard part is deciding whether you want to build or buy. While there are pros and cons associated with both options, you might be more eager to explore your building options after learning the following advantages:

Experts Can Take Care of Everything for You

The stress associated with building a new home can put many people off going down this route. However, when you choose experts in custom home building, you only have to worry about securing funding. The company you decide to work with to build your dream home will take care of everything else.

Design and build companies operate differently from your average construction company. Not only do they handle construction, but they also take care of the initial consultation, design and planning, and all handover tasks.

You Can Choose the Architecture

When you want to live in a specific area but also want a home of a particular style, it can seem impossible to achieve both. However, building your own home means you can choose your preferred architecture.

Once you buy a suitable lot, you can design your home to suit your unique needs, such as a barn-style home, a modern house, a classic house, or even a beach house. The options are endless. When you buy a house, you can only choose from properties for which former owners have made all the design choices. As a result, you may never be truly happy unless you undertake a complete renovation.

There Are No Hidden Problems

We like to think homeowners are entirely upfront about all a property’s faults before we take over ownership. However, even if they are, there can always be problems we can’t see. Even building inspectors might not pick up every fault or flaw before you sign on the dotted line.

Building new means starting fresh. When you choose a reputable, qualified building company to build your home, you don’t need to worry about termite damage, roof leaks, electrical problems, or plumbing woes. You can enjoy a beautiful new home that requires minimal maintenance and repairs in the years to come.

Customize It to Suit Your Needs

We all have different needs. This means that it can sometimes be challenging to find properties for sale that fulfill your every requirement. Most house buyers end up having to make sacrifices, which can be disheartening.

While budgetary constraints can also require sacrifices, you can often still end up in your dream house. You have complete control over features like storage, room sizes, fencing, and paint colors. Rather than renovating a house you buy to fulfill your requirements, you can build one with all the boxes already ticked.

There can be many pros and cons associated with both buying and building. However, if you’ve been leaning more toward building, these advantages above may have you exploring this option in earnest. It might then only be a matter of time until you’re designing your dream home.

- by Matt Watts
