Discover the Wind House, an architectural masterpiece nestled in Surat, India. Designed by the talented team at Design Work Group, this modern dwelling resonates with the wisdom of famed architect Louis Kahn, who urged architects to communicate with materials.
Enveloped in an earthy brick exterior with striking arches, this residence redefines the concept of Indian-style design. The home’s design strikes a harmonious balance between aesthetics and functionality, with its features like a climate-responsive facade, ambient lighting, and an efficient air circulation system.
Explore “Up to the Sea,” a stunning three-story residence designed by Matharoo Associates, nestled in the peaceful coastal town of Dumas near Surat, India.
This unique concrete home takes inspiration from traditional Indian design principles and the rich history of the region to create a serene oasis with breathtaking views of the Arabian Sea.
Dive into the Hive, a marvel of contemporary architecture nestled in Surat, Gujarat, India, known for its vibrant diamond industry. Conceived by Openideas Architects in 2020, this two-story house presents an extraordinary blend of art, engineering, and sustainability. Drawing inspiration from natural hexagonal structures found in honeycombs and carbon crystals, Hive’s unique design features an intelligent, solar sensor-based facade and a mono-space living area. The house embraces its environment with its orientation towards the lush green pockets surrounding it, while the walk-able green roof acts as a thermal insulator and a space for social gatherings.
Experience a truly unique architectural marvel, where every detail echoes the vision of an open-minded, innovative client and the relentless dedication of its creators.